As the mother of boys, and now a young adult son, I have learned about the things that interest them and make them happy. Living in Long Beach, CA, transportation is important. We're blessed to be near the beach, so community becomes vital. There's a blend of beach living and city maneuvering. Fixie bikes and boards are a part of our lifestyle.
Longboards are my favorite. I feel secure and that I can balance myself on the larger board. I've found it to be a great way to stay fit and get there with a low carbon footprint. I will leave the fulltime boarding to my boys, but I love the idea of being able to join in whenever I like.
When I became aware of Exodus Longboard Company, I thought I would share them with you. Skateboards and longboards are seen everywhere in Southern California. Young children, teens, adults; boys and girls, alike.
Exodus Longboard Co. is a small online business created with the intent to provide one of a kind longboard designs to the world. All our decks are designed by professional artists, so if you're looking for a unique deck- you're in the right place!
The company was born in Denver, Colorado with the goal to bridge smalltime artists with longboarders. It's our belief that a longboard is not just a piece of wood, but an expression of who you are; that a skater is more than a customer but an individual with a heart and soul.
Their categories include:
- Hand-painted
- Summer collection
- Animal totem collection
- Wristbands
One thing that really stood out on the blog was a post by Dan Kohout, Founder and CEO of Exodus Longboards..."As the business grows, we are working on partnering with organizations dedicated to changing the world. The dream is to be a business that will be helping anti-human trafficking organizations, people with mental illness, and talented artists from poorer countries. So when you buy from us, know that you aren't feeding a corporate giant, you ARE making the world better."
I like that! That's a part of who I am, and what my family believes in as well. Making a difference in the lives of others; being the change.
So check them out for yourself. Enjoy spending time in the sun, having fun, and riding your new board!
Hello Jennell. Thank you for doing this author interview with me. Let's get started.
Where are you from?
I was born in San Antonio, Tx, Raised in Owingsville Kentucky, and live at Cincinnati, Ohio.
Why do you write?
I love to write to inspire others & teach young people that are growing up.
What do you write about?
Recently, easiest money savings plan and children's poetry book with pics.
Do you have a specific writing style?
My genre seems to be self-help books, children's books, and poetry. A scary story in the works.
Whats the most memorable thing asked/said by a reader about your work?
My coworker stated, "my grandchild had me to sit and read your children's poetry book to her for 2 hours." (Growing Up, Poetry).
Blue Ink Review - in regards to my easiest money savings plan book-"
out of all the personal finance books out there on the market, Jennelle L. White's - Easiest Short/ Long Term Plan For Saving Money has the most truthful title."
Growing Up, Poetry - "the pictures & poems are cute and whimsical"
EASIEST Short/ Long Term Plan For Saving Money - " it's the easiest plan ever! It makes a lot of sense." ' Thank you. You are the answer to my prayers! I'm definitely getting the money savings plan and your children's book for my niece and nephew." "This book will change how the world saves money."
How long have you been writing?
Since 2009
When did you first realize you wanted to become a writer?
For me, it all started later in life. I'd already started writing my easy money savings plan and next, I wrote my poems
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk
My poems were written in a whimsical way.
Do you have suggestions on how to become a better writer?
Write what you are passionate about.
What challenges do you come across when writing/creating your story?
Making sure I have a strong plot along with a strong character but I have not written a storybook at this time.
What do you think makes a good story?
Being truthful, funny, sometimes a little scary
What does your family think of your writing?
They all love what I have written. My best friend stated, "when I read your poems I feel like I am in the pictures."
Do you have anything specific you'd like to tell the readers?
Growing Up, Poetry - Is a collection of 48 poems about the stars, puppy, kitten the seasons, saving the environment, and many more. One can experience the joys of childhood with the cute & whimsical pictures and poems. This book leaves with a sense of peace and happiness.
Easiest Short /Long Term Plan For Saving Money - is easy to understand, unique, and universal. Possibilities are endless using this money savings plan. You can visually see what you'll save before it even happens. Involves ONLY 2STEPS. You can easily save money using this plan regardless of your debts, income, occupation, or location. This book is NOT about investments. You do not have to be a financial guru to use this plan as only involves basic math skills.
Available on, BAM, & Barnes&
About the author
Jennelle White lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. She is a registered nurse and works in Ohio. Also, has diplomas in Wildlife and Forestry Conservation, Parapsychology, Animal Care Specialist, and is a Medical Assistant as well. Was elected for Who’s Who’s in America Nursing. Enjoys hiking, travel, and writing. Loves animals.
Desiree D. Robinson author of Virtue: Chasing After Your Destiny
What is your favorite part of being an author?
My favorite part about being an author is self expression. I get to speak freely, uninterrupted, and speak about life as I see the world. I get to share my life, and the world gets to either take it or leave it. When you are an author, you are a creator, and a visionary. You give of yourself because you bare your soul in your work. Every word contains a little piece of you. You leave yourself open and vulnerable to the world, but in a good way. I like the fact that I get the opportunity to speak to people anywhere in the world who I may never have a chance to meet, or otherwise have a connection, or conversation with. Being an author is the best way that I can be me.
What was the inspiration behind writing this book?
The inspiration was tragedy, and learning that tragedy is a growth experience. Tragedy has the ability to transform our lives, and teach us about our strengths. My inspiration was remembering my father's legacy, and also learning that we are limited. I learned that we have to get out of our own way sometimes, and relinquish power to our higher being so that we can move into new levels of understanding.
Tell us about your recent book Virtue: Chasing After Your Destiny?
My book is about finding faith in your darkest hour. There is hope in darkness. There are some things in life that you are not able to pay your way out of. There are certain things in life that do not discriminate, therefore, we must all be wise enough to recognize that we must put our hope in something beyond this physical space that we call earth. We must learn that bad situations are not permanent unless we decide to make them that way. We have to keep our focus on "getting through," whatever is standing in our way, and sometimes this may require separation from familiar people, places, and things. This way, your spirit will become the canvas in which something new will be created; a new, and better version of yourself. My book also teaches from a biblical standpoint, but it is for anyone regardless of your belief, or religious background. This book is about how you can gain spiritual wisdom, remain in good moral standard, and keep your peace regardless of what is going on around you. Virtue is the main talking point in this book because we face so many things in life that challenge our virtue. Therefore, we must learn what it is, and why we must protect it.
Who or what inspired you to get into writing?
I was inspired by my passion to write, and I was always told that I was very good at it. I was told that I had the ability to bring my words to life, and that people felt as if they were in the room, at the same time the event was taking place, when they read my work. I always felt that I had a gift to bring a story to life, and express myself in that way. The book was inspired by my personal spiritual journey after the sudden death of my father. This book speaks to people who have experienced any type of loss in their life. Most people think of loss as a tangible thing, but loss is very powerful, and it manifests itself in many ways. You may lose a loved one, a marriage, a relationship a child, your self-esteem, your hope, your faith, a limb, your money, your house, your mind, your self worth, a car, etc. This is what inspired my book. It is ok to be sad for a season in your life, but at some point, you have to keep going. You have to learn how to fight back, and not throw yourself a pity party. Life is still waiting for you. The world needs your gift, and you need to inspire someone else by telling them how you came out of whatever it is that you may have gone through. I like to say that this book came to me in the form of spiritual downloads. It was inspired by the Holy Spirit, and my personal journey of spiritual enlightenment.
Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym?
Yes, I most definitely did consider writing under a pseudonym. However, I decided not to use a pseudonym because this book is so personal. I am writing about something near, and dear to my heart. In memory of my father (and for my family), it was extremely important for me to use my real name. He would want it no other way.
What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel?
My favorite books are all non-fiction. I love to read, “Fail Up,” by Tavis Smiley, “One Drop,” by Bliss Broyard, and “The Color Of Water,” by James McBride. I would recommend these to everyone.
What does literary success look like to you?
This book was inspired by the Holy Spirit, therefore, success is not measured monetarily. Success would be having this book reach the right person/audience, and that would be between that person, and God. I may never know if this book becomes a real success, or not. I do know that I walked in obedience to the Holy Spirit. Therefore, I feel as if anything that edifies, and pleases God is an automatic success for Him. That is what counts in my opinion. I am more concerned about what He thinks of it.
Do you view writing as a kind of spiritual practice?
Most definitely. For me, this book began as a bible study between myself, and a friend. We started out by doing prayer, and fasting at first, and then we decided to start a bible study. I was up first, and I started receiving spiritual downloads. I was always the kind of person that would write in journals, and keep my thoughts on paper. But, these sermons and verses would come to me all day long. I would get them while I was asleep, as I drove my car, anytime of the day and night. I felt as though my spirit was being elevated through Christ, and I was being convicted to write, and share. This is how this book came about. I knew that this was beyond me, therefore, I remained obedient, even when the roadblocks came, I stayed the course. I did not give up on what He placed in my spirit.
Does your family support your career as a writer?
Yes. My mother went to church, with the advanced copy, and told everyone that she could tell. She was so proud of me because she knows my journey more than anybody. I think that there is always going to be those people around you that criticize you from a distance because it was not their idea, or they felt as if you did not include them in it. However, the people who matter to me support me 100%. My immediate family is very happy for me. That is all I can ask for.
What genre are your books?
My book is Christian Life, non-fiction. I deal with a variety of topics in this book, but it is written to help anyone regardless of your religious beliefs. It is just written from a Christian perspective.
Does ego help or hurt writers?
With anything in life, it takes a lot of courage to step out and do something that is not safe. People who like to remain safe, never experience great victories. Therefore, they remain comfortable all of their lives. Being a Christian, requires that we remain humble in our human abilities, and daily life. However, I do not believe that we must remain humble when we are moving in the spirit. Living in the spirit requires being bold, and being bold requires that you have, and utilize a little bit ego with a hint of judgment. Therefore, ego is okay in the spirit, no matter what your gift is, and how you may utilize it. I think that we should boast about the goodness of Jesus, and how He brought us out of a bad situation. We need to share our trials, and tribulations, and talk about how He delivered us from things to reach other people. Therefore, we have to use a little ego to cast down fear, speak boldly in the spirit, and help someone else.
If you could tell your younger self anything, what would it be?
Be the light. Trust in God. You are enough. Stop trying to fit in. There is nothing wrong with you.
About the author
Author, Desiree D. Robinson, is the author of Virtue: Chasing After Your Destiny. This is her writing debut, and she takes her passion very seriously. Desiree is a New York City native. She is a mother, and she is passionate about learning and writing. Desiree says that she always knew that she would be a writer, but she always thought that she would write a children's book. However, she believes that this book chose her.
My favorite part about being an author is self expression. I get to speak freely, uninterrupted, and speak about life as I see the world. I get to share my life, and the world gets to either take it or leave it. When you are an author, you are a creator, and a visionary. You give of yourself because you bare your soul in your work. Every word contains a little piece of you. You leave yourself open and vulnerable to the world, but in a good way. I like the fact that I get the opportunity to speak to people anywhere in the world who I may never have a chance to meet, or otherwise have a connection, or conversation with. Being an author is the best way that I can be me.
My favorite part about being an author is self expression. I get to speak freely, uninterrupted, and speak about life as I see the world. I get to share my life, and the world gets to either take it or leave it. When you are an author, you are a creator, and a visionary. You give of yourself because you bare your soul in your work. Every word contains a little piece of you. You leave yourself open and vulnerable to the world, but in a good way. I like the fact that I get the opportunity to speak to people anywhere in the world who I may never have a chance to meet, or otherwise have a connection, or conversation with. Being an author is the best way that I can be me.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. - Matthew 6:34
Grace For Each Day
When the Israelite's were in the wilderness, God fed them with manna each morning. (Exodus 16:13–20).
The spiritual principle here is that God gives us manna or grace for each day. He gives you grace today for today’s needs. Please Don’t worry about tomorrow’s needs. When tomorrow comes, I promise you there will be a fresh supply of His grace!
If you spend precious time and energy worrying about the needs of tomorrow, next week or next month, you’ll just get agitated, worry and be full of fear. You’ll miss out on what God’s grace is supplying you today.
So quit worrying about the days ahead. As each day comes round, God gives you the grace to do what you need to for the day. Just relax in His faithfulness, think on this day that He’s given you and enjoy His fresh supply of grace to meet all your needs TODAY!
Please share this post - you may bless someone who needs to read this today.
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Grace For Each Day
When the Israelite's were in the wilderness, God fed them with manna each morning. (Exodus 16:13–20).
The spiritual principle here is that God gives us manna or grace for each day. He gives you grace today for today’s needs. Please Don’t worry about tomorrow’s needs. When tomorrow comes, I promise you there will be a fresh supply of His grace!
If you spend precious time and energy worrying about the needs of tomorrow, next week or next month, you’ll just get agitated, worry and be full of fear. You’ll miss out on what God’s grace is supplying you today.
So quit worrying about the days ahead. As each day comes round, God gives you the grace to do what you need to for the day. Just relax in His faithfulness, think on this day that He’s given you and enjoy His fresh supply of grace to meet all your needs TODAY!
Please share this post - you may bless someone who needs to read this today.
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Why do I write?
I find writing more personal and intimate way of communicating with strangers. We have never met, the reader doesn’t know me but my writing, my book, somehow connects us on a deeper level and yet gives both of us a chance to independently make up our own minds whether to believe the ideas in the book. I write to express my thoughts in a medium that lasts longer than If I made a speech. Today we still have the works of Shakespeare, even the Bible is still here - so writing allows me to share my ideas with today, tomorrow and future generations. That's powerful in my opinion.
When did you decide to become a writer?
If it was not for lack of information and my deep fear of the unknown I could have decided to become a writer from a very young age. I only made the decision one day while visiting Rome, Italy. Back in early 2016, I went on a solo trip and after visiting the Colosseum, walking around the beautiful city of Rome, and just contemplating Rome was called the ‘eternal’ city, I just wanted to do something that lasts even beyond my lifetime, and writing was high up on the lists of things that can last for centuries. One quiet evening, while listening to jazz music at Gregory’s Jazz Cafe, it suddenly hit me - become a writer! The freedom of being able to write from anywhere in the world, at any time, any place was so exciting. All I needed was my imagination and passion for storytelling. That is when I had a conviction that I wanted to write.
How much research do you do?
I love history and I read every day so I practically research all day, every day. I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge - I am curious to learn, so am always researching. Actually, I was researching something totally unrelated and stumbled upon Robert Browning’s Pied Piper of Hamelin story. The history of the Pied Piper fascinated me more so because I felt strongly that it was half a story - what happened to the missing children? Where did the Pied Piper go?
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
I have admired the acting style of Tom Hanks and that is because I have watched Forrest Gump several times and his performances in the film really make me emotional. In it he has good intentions even though things take turns for the worst - this is similar the Pied Piper, he has good intentions but his decision making sometimes lends him in big trouble with everyone including those he cares about.
What draws you to this genre?
I still believe in this special thing called love. As Princess Diana once remarked, “There is so much sadness in the world!” - I just truly believe that love goes a long way to help us through life. Fantasy is a genre that allows me to be creative and imaginative again. Something I just stopped doing while finding myself.
Give us an insight into your main character. What does he/she do that is so special?
Everyone knows the story of the Pied Piper and yet there isn’t information about him. We just know that he has this magical ability which he uses to help others. In my book, each chapter will give the reader insight into his character. So for starters, his decision making is woeful. In fact, him luring away the kids in revenge was one of many woeful decisions - even though he had good intentions. The Piper is also very naive. In Robert Browning’s poem, he agrees to help the Mayor without a down payment - the signs were there that they might struggle because they did complain when he mentioned the price! This is a theme you will see throughout the book - how others manipulate his naivety to their own advantage. The Piper is unaware of a special gift he has - he thinks the flute gives him magical abilities but there is more to him than what meets the eye. It takes another character, Sophia, to show the reader and the Piper himself how special he is. There is a special power that the Piper has that you only see glimpses of during the book - only certain characters can bring it out of him. The reason why this power is not revealed explicitly in the book is that even the Piper himself doesn’t know he has it! There is a part of the book where he has to live the flute (pipe) behind, a discerning reader would see the hidden clues about this special power in the ensuing scenes!
Where can we buy the book:
For US readers -
For readers in the UK -
For readers in Germany -
Which writers inspire you?
I am inspired by mainly female writers like J. K. Rowling, Daniel Steele & Enid Blyton. I should say I love the Psalms by David too - when you read the Psalms you get a deeper appreciation of why God said David was a man “after his own heart”!
What is your favorite childhood book?
I was always drawn to book series - so Famous Five, Sherlock Holmes and Goosebumps are my top favourites.
What was your hardest scene to write?
The first scene of the book. I have used the first scene as a bridge between Robert Browning’s Pied Piper of Hamelin Poem and my love story. The book is a romantic fantasy novel but I felt that I could not just jump into the love story first without helping the reader cross the bridge i.e. from the Pied Piper luring the kids away and him returning to Hamelin and falling in love which is what inspires him to go find the missing children.
Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
Oh yes, there is plenty of those in the book. Its inspired by some of my favorite biblical books, Daniel and Revelation which do the same thing but brilliantly.
If you didn’t write, what would you do for work?
I would probably be a teacher like my grandfather
How do you select the names of your characters?
The name depends on the personality of the character (or backstory). Back in high school, I used to give people nicknames so some of those nicknames have found their way into the book, for example, Spinky the fish from the Invisible Ocean - that is from a former high school friend.
Do you view writing as a kind of spiritual practice?
Definitely. I write about what is close to my heart. Writing allows me to express myself freely which is empowering.
What does literary success look like to you?
If I can make the Pied Piper story my own then I guess that is a success. I have reimagined a classic story and if the Pied Piper is ever recognized as a romantic and not as the child thief then I consider it a literary success.
I find writing more personal and intimate way of communicating with strangers. We have never met, the reader doesn’t know me but my writing, my book, somehow connects us on a deeper level and yet gives both of us a chance to independently make up our own minds whether to believe the ideas in the book. I write to express my thoughts in a medium that lasts longer than If I made a speech. Today we still have the works of Shakespeare, even the Bible is still here - so writing allows me to share my ideas with today, tomorrow and future generations. That's powerful in my opinion.
When did you decide to become a writer?
If it was not for lack of information and my deep fear of the unknown I could have decided to become a writer from a very young age. I only made the decision one day while visiting Rome, Italy. Back in early 2016, I went on a solo trip and after visiting the Colosseum, walking around the beautiful city of Rome, and just contemplating Rome was called the ‘eternal’ city, I just wanted to do something that lasts even beyond my lifetime, and writing was high up on the lists of things that can last for centuries. One quiet evening, while listening to jazz music at Gregory’s Jazz Cafe, it suddenly hit me - become a writer! The freedom of being able to write from anywhere in the world, at any time, any place was so exciting. All I needed was my imagination and passion for storytelling. That is when I had a conviction that I wanted to write.
How much research do you do?
I love history and I read every day so I practically research all day, every day. I have an insatiable thirst for knowledge - I am curious to learn, so am always researching. Actually, I was researching something totally unrelated and stumbled upon Robert Browning’s Pied Piper of Hamelin story. The history of the Pied Piper fascinated me more so because I felt strongly that it was half a story - what happened to the missing children? Where did the Pied Piper go?
Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?
I have admired the acting style of Tom Hanks and that is because I have watched Forrest Gump several times and his performances in the film really make me emotional. In it he has good intentions even though things take turns for the worst - this is similar the Pied Piper, he has good intentions but his decision making sometimes lends him in big trouble with everyone including those he cares about.
What draws you to this genre?
I still believe in this special thing called love. As Princess Diana once remarked, “There is so much sadness in the world!” - I just truly believe that love goes a long way to help us through life. Fantasy is a genre that allows me to be creative and imaginative again. Something I just stopped doing while finding myself.
Give us an insight into your main character. What does he/she do that is so special?
Everyone knows the story of the Pied Piper and yet there isn’t information about him. We just know that he has this magical ability which he uses to help others. In my book, each chapter will give the reader insight into his character. So for starters, his decision making is woeful. In fact, him luring away the kids in revenge was one of many woeful decisions - even though he had good intentions. The Piper is also very naive. In Robert Browning’s poem, he agrees to help the Mayor without a down payment - the signs were there that they might struggle because they did complain when he mentioned the price! This is a theme you will see throughout the book - how others manipulate his naivety to their own advantage. The Piper is unaware of a special gift he has - he thinks the flute gives him magical abilities but there is more to him than what meets the eye. It takes another character, Sophia, to show the reader and the Piper himself how special he is. There is a special power that the Piper has that you only see glimpses of during the book - only certain characters can bring it out of him. The reason why this power is not revealed explicitly in the book is that even the Piper himself doesn’t know he has it! There is a part of the book where he has to live the flute (pipe) behind, a discerning reader would see the hidden clues about this special power in the ensuing scenes!
Where can we buy the book:
For US readers -
For readers in the UK -
For readers in Germany -
Which writers inspire you?
I am inspired by mainly female writers like J. K. Rowling, Daniel Steele & Enid Blyton. I should say I love the Psalms by David too - when you read the Psalms you get a deeper appreciation of why God said David was a man “after his own heart”!
What is your favorite childhood book?
I was always drawn to book series - so Famous Five, Sherlock Holmes and Goosebumps are my top favourites.
The first scene of the book. I have used the first scene as a bridge between Robert Browning’s Pied Piper of Hamelin Poem and my love story. The book is a romantic fantasy novel but I felt that I could not just jump into the love story first without helping the reader cross the bridge i.e. from the Pied Piper luring the kids away and him returning to Hamelin and falling in love which is what inspires him to go find the missing children.
Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
Oh yes, there is plenty of those in the book. Its inspired by some of my favorite biblical books, Daniel and Revelation which do the same thing but brilliantly.
If you didn’t write, what would you do for work?
I would probably be a teacher like my grandfather
How do you select the names of your characters?
The name depends on the personality of the character (or backstory). Back in high school, I used to give people nicknames so some of those nicknames have found their way into the book, for example, Spinky the fish from the Invisible Ocean - that is from a former high school friend.
Do you view writing as a kind of spiritual practice?
Definitely. I write about what is close to my heart. Writing allows me to express myself freely which is empowering.
What does literary success look like to you?
If I can make the Pied Piper story my own then I guess that is a success. I have reimagined a classic story and if the Pied Piper is ever recognized as a romantic and not as the child thief then I consider it a literary success.
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Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly? Yes, because I do not think all Writing comes from emotions. Writing can come from Knowledge, True Life experiences or made up fantasies or factual information.
What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer? I have met other Authors. Did not have help from anyone in writing my books. My First Book Fredrick The Butterfly (Won Award) is a True Life experience! I have been in the movie business -so maybe reading so many scripts helped?
Do you want each book to stand on its own or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book? Each book does stand on its own! My 1st book Fredrick The Butterfly (Won an Award) is a True Story + Loved! Have emails from parents that since heir children received Fredrick-they want it read to them Every Night! Plus one little girl Sleeps + Hugs Fredrick The Butterfly! Which makes me feel Great because Fredrick tells the true story Plus also has Sensational messages “it is Fun to help people” - “the Ocean is alive, We are alive + that is Great! “You can give yourself a Hug” + more. My second book Amazing Adventures of Fredrick The Butterfly Plus Karen & Malibu Kool Kat! Started because lots of people said that (after telling them some of my True Life stories) - to write an Autobiography...So I thought it would be Fun to do that by adding Fredrick + my real life rescue cat Malibu Kool Kat with me. Ha!
If you could tell your younger writing self anything , what would it be? Actually, did not write when younger! Liked to draw + sometimes write a little poetry. Because of the True Experiences I have had + I felt it was important to share these stories for other people to maybe gain insight, Enjoy + believe in themselves + other things. I had Fun writing my books + People of all ages Love Them!
How did Writing your first book change your process of writing? Kept writing notes down! Even on the back of grocery bags in the car-if I thought of a better way to word something or another idea of something that I thought people would Enjoy!
What was the best money you spent as a writer? Best money I spent was paying Christina Hicks Creative to do my Layout Design + She also knew The Artist (who I guided)
What Authors did you dislike at first but grew into? Do not read violent movies or books like that. I always Loved reading + finding Books to read to my 2 Daughters- when they were growing up! Had lots of Fun doing that + So did they!
What does Literary Success mean to you? Think I have Literary success now! It means that people Love my books + are finding out about them....It is Fun to share them + donate some + I get to have book signings + interact with all kinds of people! It is a new World to me!
What is the best way to market your books? Social Media, Articles in newspapers ..Letting people know..also thru friends + Family. It has been said that everyone has a book in them to write!!!
What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book? Did not do any research at all. My books are part of me + True Life experiences....My Heart, thoughts, experiences + Love are in both of my books!
Do you view writing as a spiritual practice? I am a Spiritual Person! Do not really consider writing as a spiritual practice- maybe it is! Thank You Very Much for this Interview.. ❤️ Both Of my Books are on Amazon! Next Goal is to turn them into a Movie or TV show!!!
About the Author
Karen Ann Smythe (center) with her daughters Victoria Turner (left) and Julia Turner (right)
Malibu resident Karen Ann Smythe recently published the children’s book “Amazing Adventures of Fredrick the Butterfly Plus Karen & Malibu Kool Kate.”
The story follows Karen and her two friends, Fredrick and Malibu Kool Kat, on an adventure that takes them to places like New York City and a tropical island. The characters and events are loosely based on Smythe’s life experiences.
Her first book, “Fredrick the Butterfly,” won an award in the Fourth Annual Beverly Hills Book Awards in the children’s nonfiction category.
Available on Amazon.
Living with Jezebel: An In-Depth Look at the Queen of Narcissism, Her Tactics, and Three Generations of Destruction by Miko Marsh
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I love how Miko took the time to give you background about the culture, the characters, and the culture. She didn't assume you were reading from the Christian perspective.
Most people only know of the "word of mouth" or modern meaning of Jezebel; still, others may not realize that she was a real person. I love how Miko took the historical accounts, then made them alive in today's terms. She talks and walks with you through the journey of the book. Allowing you to come to your own conclusion, while shining a light on all aspects of her personality so you can come to a complete and full conclusion.
Being able to see how the name has morphed into so much more, yet stayed the same is awesome. I don't want to give away anything, but this was a great read. I'd recommend it to anyone.
Pick up a copy on Amazon.
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I love how Miko took the time to give you background about the culture, the characters, and the culture. She didn't assume you were reading from the Christian perspective.
Most people only know of the "word of mouth" or modern meaning of Jezebel; still, others may not realize that she was a real person. I love how Miko took the historical accounts, then made them alive in today's terms. She talks and walks with you through the journey of the book. Allowing you to come to your own conclusion, while shining a light on all aspects of her personality so you can come to a complete and full conclusion.
Being able to see how the name has morphed into so much more, yet stayed the same is awesome. I don't want to give away anything, but this was a great read. I'd recommend it to anyone.
Pick up a copy on Amazon.
Since 2007, Just Touch 360 has nurtured our communities youth and provided them an opportunity to unleash their inner potential. Whether you’re interested in becoming a professional athlete or entering a health-related career- we’ve got options that are suitable for everyone.
Through the application, youth will have access to scholarships, job readiness, college tours and more!
For Youth
Making a Difference One Child at a Time
At Just Touch 360, we strive to empower the lives of youth in our communities through our full-service app. Our application is designed to provide youngsters with all the tools they need to be great leaders tomorrow. We are happy to be a driving force behind the development of our children and hope to continue making a difference in their lives.
For Parents
Shaping the Leaders of Tomorrow
We know you love to see your child excel and we want to help you empower them! Through our Just Touch 360 application, we provide access to career readiness tools and life enrichment tools to guide your child to the right opportunities enabling them to reach their full potential.
Get in touch today to learn more about how Just Touch 360 helps the community.
Through the application, youth will have access to scholarships, job readiness, college tours and more!
For Youth
Making a Difference One Child at a Time
At Just Touch 360, we strive to empower the lives of youth in our communities through our full-service app. Our application is designed to provide youngsters with all the tools they need to be great leaders tomorrow. We are happy to be a driving force behind the development of our children and hope to continue making a difference in their lives.
For Parents
Shaping the Leaders of Tomorrow
We know you love to see your child excel and we want to help you empower them! Through our Just Touch 360 application, we provide access to career readiness tools and life enrichment tools to guide your child to the right opportunities enabling them to reach their full potential.
Get in touch today to learn more about how Just Touch 360 helps the community.
What is Just Touch 360?
Just Touch 360 is a full-service application whose mission is to provide a better quality of life for underprivileged youth. We do so through a platform that engages youth academically while navigating them to the career path of their choice. With guidance, access to a multitude of resources we help youth reach goals that ultimately transition into life successes.
As a confidant of the Queen, knighted for his service, Sir Robert Winchell had grown accustomed to powerful people seeking his counsel. So he was not surprised when the United States government asked him to investigate the death of Tyler Jefferson, president of the United States. Sir Robert’s investigative and diplomatic skills were put to the test as he retraced the final days of the president—meeting with and investigating heads of foreign governments, and ultimately putting his own life in peril.
Tell us about how you came up with this story?
I had these two individuals romantically connected, but I questioned what was special about them—nothing. I, therefore, separated them, only to have them meet later, become lovers, and marry.
Again, I asked what was special about this. I decided to have their “union” riveting. I had one imbued with political ambition which led him to pursue the presidency, which he won. From this backdrop, I developed the novel “Death Comes for the President”.
I had these two individuals romantically connected, but I questioned what was special about them—nothing. I, therefore, separated them, only to have them meet later, become lovers, and marry.
Again, I asked what was special about this. I decided to have their “union” riveting. I had one imbued with political ambition which led him to pursue the presidency, which he won. From this backdrop, I developed the novel “Death Comes for the President”.
Where can folks get a copy of the book?
On Amazon
What is the first book that made you cry?
That would be “The Holocaust: A History of the Jews of Europe During WWII.”
That would be “The Holocaust: A History of the Jews of Europe During WWII.”
Does writing energize or exhaust you?
Both, for it fires the creative juices, and it exhausts you mentally as you are wondering if you’ve written clearly and precisely, so that the story flows smoothly and the readers can follow easily, with few distractions; wondering if the plot and characters are believable, are their responses the same as the readers, are the skills of the criminal evenly balanced with the detective. And finally, will the reader continue to flip the pages until the very last page—finding a surprising twist.
Both, for it fires the creative juices, and it exhausts you mentally as you are wondering if you’ve written clearly and precisely, so that the story flows smoothly and the readers can follow easily, with few distractions; wondering if the plot and characters are believable, are their responses the same as the readers, are the skills of the criminal evenly balanced with the detective. And finally, will the reader continue to flip the pages until the very last page—finding a surprising twist.
What are common traps for aspiring writers?
Some of the common traps for aspiring writers are the mistaken belief your manuscript has been definitively written. First, second, and third drafts are always subject to revisions. Surprisingly, each draft becomes better than the previous drafts. There are writers who don’t take advantage of a “second” pair of eyes. Allow others to read what you’ve written, and be open for criticism; learn from it and improve your craft.
Aspiring writers become discouraged when their manuscript is rejected. Don’t become discouraged. Believe in yourself and your craft. Know, and I mean know the fundamentals of grammar. Potential publishers will not edit your work. If possible, have your manuscript professionally edited prior to presentation to a potential publisher.
Have you ever gotten writer’s block?
No. I don’t undertake writing until the story has fully unfolded in my mind. It is my opinion writers run into writer’s block when they had not fully developed the story—mentally.
Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?
In each of my books, I endeavor to be original, and my books are genre specific.
Do you want each book to stand on its own, or are you trying to build a body of work with connections between each book?
I strive to have each book to stand on its own merit, and because my books are termed a ‘series”, the only connection is the reoccurring detectives—Sir Robert and Detective Dennis.
What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?
I am aware many of my readers are well-traveled. I, therefore, do extensive research to make sure the settings are accurate. As a male, mystery writer, I don’t have a clue about women’s high fashion. To this end, especially in Death Comes for the President, I contacted Saks Fifth Avenue. It was the consultant who advised what high-end fashions to use, and this included gowns and accessories.
How many hours a day do you write?
This depends on what’s on my agenda. If the story on which I am working constantly preoccupies my mind—taking front seat—then, I stop what I am doing and commence writing, especially when the story is still unfolding.
About the Author -- William Turner
William Turner spent his formative years in New England. He was educated in the private, parochial school system, and is presently retired from State service (State of California), as a supervisor. He has one son (Ontonio), and three grandchildren. His grandson is serving in the United States Air Force. His daughter-in-law, Bridgette, is a practicing pediatrician.
William had aspired--so long ago--to be a priest, but felt at the time he had not been exposed enough to life to walk away and close the monastery door. His subsequent exposure to life sullied him beyond any aspiration to the priesthood. William now lives in Lancaster, California, spending much of his time doing penance, reflecting on his countless errors in judgment. William's penchant for writing mysteries stems from his exposure to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's stories and those of Agatha Christie. His mentor was Sister Agnes Bernard--his high school English teacher.
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