Besides all the obvious stuff, what differentiates 11for10.com the most is the fact that they offer a limited selection including between 200 and 500 One Dollar Deals at a time, and when you buy 10 items for $1.00 each, you will receive the 11th item Free automatically. At 11for10.com they focus on the keyword "Deals" they don't want to offer just anything as One Dollar Products they want to offer One Dollar Products for a deal. That being said 11for10.com tries to include as many Name Brand and licensed products as we can at a time. As a matter of fact, so many of their offers are such a good deal they said their best customers by far are resellers that buy from them and resell Online and Offline. At first the fact that so many Resellers were buying from them bothered their Management; however, now they're a little more comfortable with it, and in some ways, they're trying to embrace it. Offering the Best Deals on the entire internet was their goal from the very beginning and is still true today. So, they consider themselves a Premium Exclusively Online One Dollar Store and with the Best Deals Online, not the most, the Best! Yes, many people ask them almost daily how in the world can you make money selling quality merchandise for only $1.00 each, and the answer is still the same. It is very difficult but it works based on volume. They sacrifice some profit to give quality $1.00 deals to the public in exchange for doing a higher volume of business with their customers. They even offer some products well below our cost from time to time to show their customers how much they appreciate them.
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