Hello Jennell. Thank you for doing this author interview with me. Let's get started.
Where are you from?
I was born in San Antonio, Tx, Raised in Owingsville Kentucky, and live at Cincinnati, Ohio.
Why do you write?
I love to write to inspire others & teach young people that are growing up.
What do you write about?
Recently, easiest money savings plan and children's poetry book with pics.
Do you have a specific writing style?
My genre seems to be self-help books, children's books, and poetry. A scary story in the works.
Whats the most memorable thing asked/said by a reader about your work?
My coworker stated, "my grandchild had me to sit and read your children's poetry book to her for 2 hours." (Growing Up, Poetry).
Blue Ink Review - in regards to my easiest money savings plan book-"
out of all the personal finance books out there on the market, Jennelle L. White's - Easiest Short/ Long Term Plan For Saving Money has the most truthful title."
Growing Up, Poetry - "the pictures & poems are cute and whimsical"
EASIEST Short/ Long Term Plan For Saving Money - " it's the easiest plan ever! It makes a lot of sense." ' Thank you. You are the answer to my prayers! I'm definitely getting the money savings plan and your children's book for my niece and nephew." "This book will change how the world saves money."
How long have you been writing?
Since 2009
When did you first realize you wanted to become a writer?
For me, it all started later in life. I'd already started writing my easy money savings plan and next, I wrote my poems
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk
My poems were written in a whimsical way.
Do you have suggestions on how to become a better writer?
Write what you are passionate about.
What challenges do you come across when writing/creating your story?
Making sure I have a strong plot along with a strong character but I have not written a storybook at this time.
What do you think makes a good story?
Being truthful, funny, sometimes a little scary
What does your family think of your writing?

Do you have anything specific you'd like to tell the readers?
Growing Up, Poetry - Is a collection of 48 poems about the stars, puppy, kitten the seasons, saving the environment, and many more. One can experience the joys of childhood with the cute & whimsical pictures and poems. This book leaves with a sense of peace and happiness.
Easiest Short /Long Term Plan For Saving Money - is easy to understand, unique, and universal. Possibilities are endless using this money savings plan. You can visually see what you'll save before it even happens. Involves ONLY 2STEPS. You can easily save money using this plan regardless of your debts, income, occupation, or location. This book is NOT about investments. You do not have to be a financial guru to use this plan as only involves basic math skills.
Available on Amazon.com, BAM, & Barnes&Noble.com
About the author
Jennelle White lives in Cincinnati, Ohio. She is a registered nurse and works in Ohio. Also, has diplomas in Wildlife and Forestry Conservation, Parapsychology, Animal Care Specialist, and is a Medical Assistant as well. Was elected for Who’s Who’s in America Nursing. Enjoys hiking, travel, and writing. Loves animals.
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