The gospel is designed to bring us into a present experience of heaven. If we are not experiencing heaven now, we should consider how we may have become resistant to gospel truths.
Present Access To Heaven helps us to do just that, dealing with every lie and hindrance that is keeping us from experiencing heaven now and walking as heavenly people. It makes a scriptural case for just how much is possible right now in Christ, and is full of true stories illustrating the truths presented.
•How to live as a heavenly person
•How to receive God’s love and let it transform you
•How to recognize and overcome obstacles which keep you from seeing God as he is and living in heaven while on earth
•How to experience and release the peace, joy, and love that reign in heaven
•Where the church has sometimes gone wrong in “spiritual warfare,” and how to fight spiritual battles effectively
•How rich you are in Christ
•How to break free from self-pity
Visit the author online at Go To Heaven Now, or on Amazon.
My review on Goodreads (no spoilers).
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Present Access To Heaven helps us to do just that, dealing with every lie and hindrance that is keeping us from experiencing heaven now and walking as heavenly people. It makes a scriptural case for just how much is possible right now in Christ, and is full of true stories illustrating the truths presented.
•How to live as a heavenly person
•How to receive God’s love and let it transform you
•How to recognize and overcome obstacles which keep you from seeing God as he is and living in heaven while on earth
•How to experience and release the peace, joy, and love that reign in heaven
•Where the church has sometimes gone wrong in “spiritual warfare,” and how to fight spiritual battles effectively
•How rich you are in Christ
•How to break free from self-pity
Visit the author online at Go To Heaven Now, or on Amazon.
My review on Goodreads (no spoilers).
Interested in the entire series?

Check out all 3 books on Amazon!
author spotlight
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christian authors
Jonathan Brenneman
Present Access to Heaven
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