by D. Jack Oswald
Digging his way out of what he calls “Satan’s Grip,” Jack realizes that surrendering to God is his only way out. Rejoice with him as step by step he breaks free and conquers the diabolical disease that holds so many captive.
It's difficult to overcome an addiction when life appears to be going okay. I pretended to live a Godly life. Mostly I got away with it, but secretly I always succumbed to Satan’s deceitful ways—I lied, deceived and hurt others so I could feed and satisfy my addiction.
Available at and on Amazon.
Many people break free from addiction by joining a twelve-step program like Narcotics Anonymous. Step 11 reads; "Sought, through prayer and meditation, to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and power to carry that out". Through many failures, Darian Jack Oswald eventually discovered how to put this important step into practice."You may never know what another person is struggling with, especially when a smile or encouraging small talk is shielding the reality they may be hiding behind. Unusual circumstances has changed my life. Let this book change yours". D. Jack Oswald
Digging his way out of what he calls “Satan’s Grip,” Jack realizes that surrendering to God is his only way out. Rejoice with him as step by step he breaks free and conquers the diabolical disease that holds so many captive.
It's difficult to overcome an addiction when life appears to be going okay. I pretended to live a Godly life. Mostly I got away with it, but secretly I always succumbed to Satan’s deceitful ways—I lied, deceived and hurt others so I could feed and satisfy my addiction.
Available at and on Amazon.
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