New single "Cool Breeze' by Mabel Annobil is now available on iTunes and Amazon. Get your copy! ...
December 11, 2017

Fun with Exodus

As the mother of boys, and now a young adult son, I have learned about the things that interest them and make them happy.  Living in Long Beach, CA, transportation is important. We're blessed...
Hello Jennell.  Thank you for doing this author interview with me. Let's get started.  Where are you from?  I was born in San Antonio, Tx, Raised in Owingsville Kentucky, and live at Cincinnati, Ohio. Why do...
Desiree D. Robinson author of Virtue: Chasing After Your Destiny What is your favorite part of being an author? My favorite part about being an author is self expression. I get to speak freely,...
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.  - Matthew 6:34 Grace For Each Day When the Israelite's were in...
Why do I write? I find writing more personal and intimate way of communicating with strangers. We have never met, the reader doesn’t know me but my writing, my book, somehow connects us...
First, the obvious difference between and most other Dollar Stores is the fact that is the only exclusively Online One Dollar Store. At this time there's only a few stores that...
Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly?  Yes,  because I do not think all Writing comes from emotions. Writing can come from Knowledge, True Life experiences or...
Living with Jezebel: An In-Depth Look at the Queen of Narcissism, Her Tactics, and Three Generations of Destruction by Miko Marsh My rating: 4 of 5 stars I love how Miko took the...
Since 2007, Just Touch 360 has nurtured our communities youth and provided them an opportunity to unleash their inner potential. Whether you’re interested in becoming a professional athlete or entering a health-related career-...
Death Comes for the President - What is your book about? As a confidant of the Queen, knighted for his service, Sir Robert Winchell had grown accustomed to powerful people seeking his counsel....