Never Forsaken [Lessons of 250 Miles]

An Interview with the Nicole A Jones, Editor of "Never Forsaken" by Bishop Ted G. Thomas

Never Forsaken by Ted G. Thomas
I understand you served as Bishop Thomas' Developmental Editor on his book “Never Forsaken”. What was that experience like?
For me it was a privileged experience. It’s always a pleasure working with someone who truly has something to say and sound words to share. But I believe God poured wisdom and understanding directly into me through my collaboration with Bishop Thomas.  I’ve been blessed by the experienced.

How did your collaboration on this project start?
Mother* Charletta Clifton Thomas. I was set to work with Mother Thomas on a book but she changed her mind and told me Bishop Thomas would be interested in writing a book... but I would have to call him. Well, Bishop Thomas is the prelate of the Virginia First Jurisdiction of the Church of God in Christ so naturally I hesitated. 

Mother Thomas told me on three separate occasions to contact him about the book. Eventually, I sent an email to Bishop. Impressively enough, he immediately responded to his email and the collaboration began. That was pretty nice.

Nonetheless, I admire how Mother Thomas was mindful of Bishop and put his ambition above her own.

You said Bishop Thomas immediately responded to his email. What was it like working with an 81 year old?
It was a pleasant experience. Ha ha. ha.  Honestly, I'm beginning to prefer it. You never have to guess how seniors feel. They say what they have to say and keep it moving. I love it and respect it!

Let me also add, I love how Bishop is a senior person but he respected my skills and my recommendations. Whenever, I suggested more input in a particular chapter, he never got short with me; he respected my recommendation. And he went back to the drawing board and added more to it. When we spoke again he had all of the details. I believe this book is as great as it is because of the wisdom and insight he continuously added to it.

What would you say you have taken away from this book "Never Forsaken"?
Pure wisdom. Some of the stories are hilarious but it shows that (for all of us) it takes a process to get to where were going in God. But it’s a blessing to hear and read how God is still rewarding our faithfulness and obedience to Him when we put Him first.

Where can we find Bishop Thomas’ book “Never Forsaken”?
Bishop’s team will release the book on August 26, 2017 but you can pre-order as early as July 4th. The books will be available online in paperback and e-book formats.  But of course you can always contact New Community Temple Church of God in Christ in Portsmouth, VA and someone there can assist.

June 29, 2017
Interview with Nicole A. Jones
Developmental Editor of Bishop Thomas’ memoir “Never Forsaken”


Never Forsaken is a profound memoir of Bishop Ted G. Thomas Sr. It chronicles his journey from Hoke County, North Carolina to Norfolk, Virginia and beyond.

Each experience gained from his two hundred and fifty mile transition to the city and his upward climb to community and church leadership transforms into powerful messages and principles that encourages each reader to apply to their lives.

This book recounts Bishop Thomas’ life of humility through submission to God and obedience to the scriptures.  He affirms that if we seek God by putting Him first in our lives, the material possessions we desire will be added to us.

*Mother or Mother of the Church: Mother of the Church (in Latin Mater Ecclesiae) is a title, officially given to Mary during the Second Vatican Council by Pope Paul VI. The title was first used in the 4th century by Saint Ambrose of Milan, as rediscovered by Hugo RahnerServing in such Christian denominations as the Baptist and Pentecostal  predominantly African-American churches, "Mother" though shortened is used as a title of respect. 


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