A Conversation with Sherylynne L Rochester: God Send Me My Husband
Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?
I definitely try to be original but mostly I make sure that the originality comes from the Holy Spirit. I hear what the Holy Spirit is saying and I write it. God really speaks through words and we see that with the Bible. God gives me the original story and I write it so that the reader can be changed, set freed, and delivered. All of my books are prophetic in nature and are definitely original.
If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
I would tell my younger writing self that you’re going to write a book and that book is going to sell 60,000 copies. Don’t get discouraged by the reviews or what people think about the cover. Keep writing because the most important thing is the message and making sure someone is introduced to Jesus Christ and comes into the kingdom of God.
Does your family support your career as a writer?
Absolutely. My family definitely support my writing career. They’ve been so supportive and helpful. My mom, she reads my books, tells me what I need to fix, and encourages me. My dad, he gives me new book ideas or titles. My fiancé, he discusses things with me when it comes to the topics of my books. My future family in law, they pray for me and tell me to keep writing. So, yes I have a huge ton of support.
What were you like at school?
At school, I was the quiet one, didn’t get into trouble, and stayed to myself. I went to Choir Academy of Harlem and sung with the Girls’ Choir of Harlem and so all we did was basically sing all day. If we had a year book, I would probably have been voted The Most Religious. I was into God. That was it.
Which writers inspire you?
The writers that inspire me the most are Frank Peretti, D. Brian Shafer, and Brad Meltzer. Frank Peretti and Brad Meltzer write thrillers. I love books that have you on the edge of your seat or books that make you think. Both authors do that. Then, D. Brian Shafer writes books about God, satan, Heaven, Hell, and the spiritual warfare aspect like Frank Peretti. When I write, I try to emulate them. I try to have fast past action, have readers on the edge of their seat, with nail-biting scenes. Most of all, I love to write about heaven, hell, angels, and demons to give it that spiritual warfare aspect. I definitely try to merge all of that with a prophetic message to the readers.
Give us an insight into your main character. What does he/she do that is so special?
The main character of my latest book, God Send Me My Husband, is Lailah. She’s a Christian who struggles with being single. What’s so special about her is that she relates to so many Christian single women. She’s 35 and not married and wonders when will God send her husband. It’s a question that so many single Christian women have. This was also a question I had before meeting my fiancé. In this book, you get to see how she deals with being single. You get to see her insecurities, her choices, and the consequences of not waiting on God.
What genre are your books?
My books are Christian Fiction. They usually fall under the Urban Christian Fiction or African American Christian fiction category.
So, what have you written?
I have written four books. The titles of the books I’ve written are: Altered Destiny: A Hustler’s Choice, Altered Destiny: Second Chance, Chronicles of A Vixen (Part 1), and God Send Me My Husband.
Where can we buy or see them?
You can buy my books on Amazon right now. It is available as a physical book and a digital book.
When did you decide to become a writer?
Well, writing runs in my family. My dad writes and has three books out. My mom is also a writer and will have a few coming out soon. I guess, it passed down to me. Writing wasn’t my first choice. Music was always my first choice but when I went to Five Towns College, my passion for writing grew in a magazine writing course. It wasn’t until 2009/2010 when I was working at Pearson Professional Centers that I started really writing. I was seeing people in Chicago and in Brooklyn dying and living a reckless life. So, during lunch time I went and brought a notebook and just started writing. Seeing the things happening in Chicago and Brooklyn prompted me to write about the street life and how the choices of living the street life could ultimately alter your destiny. So, my first book pushed me into becoming a writer. I love it.
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About Sherylynne L Rochester
Sherylynne L. Rochester was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. She is an author (Altered Destiny: A Hustler's Choice, Altered Destiny: Second Chance, Chronicles of A Vixen), singer, songwriter, and while in High School she sang with the Girls Choir of Harlem. She received her bachelor's degree in business management and audio recording at Five Towns College in Dix Hills, Long Island, and it was there she realized her lifelong passion for writing. Sherylynne is a Praise and Worship Leader at Prevailing Word Ministries, and loves to bring people closer to God through music and worship. Her ministry and purpose in life is to help people find God and experience Him and the love He has for them. She resides in Pennsylvania, where she is hard at work doing the will of God and working on her music and next novel.
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God Send Me My Husband
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