Healing From the Loss of a Loved One

Whenever I find a "good read" I like to pass it on to you. You've seen this book on my list before but this time it's to congratulate and encourage you to pick up a copy.

Path to Peace, A Guide to Managing Life After Lossing a Loved One by Angie Ransome-Jones, has made a bit of a stir since last we talked. Coming in a top places on Amazon it is making a difference in the lives of those looking to heal. You may be thinking -- can reading a book really make it better?  Yes.

When you're able to settle your mind, when you're able to take a moment and concentrate on the things around you -- that is the time to read this book.  When you're able to grasp the comforting words and receive the love, that is the time when you will start to heal.

Get your copy of Path to Peace, A Guide to Managing Life After Losing a Loved One by Angie Ransome-Jones for yourself - for someone who needs it. You'll be glad you did.

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