Do you have issues with food? Do you think you may be an "emotional eater?" What's an emotional eater? Emotional eating is when a person uses food as an attempt to control, monitor,...
Learning how to manage your time, activities, and commitments can be hard. But doing so can make your life easier and less stressful. Without stress management, all too often your body is always...
Authors are a special kind of folk. We want to help others and share with them the knowledge we've collected for a bigger cause than ourselves. So today, I interviewed author John Avery...
I was recently asked, can someone with PTSD love; can they be in a relationship? The answer is yes! When someone you love is distant, anxious, or angry all the time, your relationship...
Everyone communicates in one way or another, but very few people have mastered the skill of truly effective communication. Effective communication involves a lot more than just speaking clearly without nervously stuttering or...
  It's a new year and people are hitting the gym to improve cardiovascular health, build muscle, and of course, get back down to that perfect dress size, but working out has some...