I love providing premarital counseling as a part of the services, it allows me to assist future married couples design a life that is perfect for them. By asking questions they may not have...
Life isn't always simple. At times it becomes a scary place and can become very difficult to maneuver your way through it all. As our society changes and grows so do our health...
Every year after Christmas everyone starts buzzing about New Year’s resolutions.  They want to lose weight, start a new hobby, learn a new language, make more money – you name it! But how...
International Women's Leadership Association Names Long Beach Counselor for Outstanding Leadership  Dr. Angela Butts Chester was registered in December 2014 as a woman of outstanding leadership in the mental health industry. PRLog -...
We're excited to announce that Season 4 of Modern Living with Dr. Angela will start on January 13th! Bringing you information on mental health from the Christian perspective with a laid back approach....