An Open Letter to Suze Orman
My husband was furiously flipping channels, because he’s a man and that’s what he does, when he paused for a moment on your show.
We both watched as you were in the middle of counseling a young couple, 29 and 30 years old, who wondered if they could afford to have the wife quit her job and have another baby.
It’s not that we expected you to actually encourage them to make cutbacks and sacrifice whatever was necessary to have the mother home with her child. I mean that would be NUTS, right?
But we were absolutely dumbfounded when you told them that their expenses would go up $700-1000 each month due to necessary baby items, like “diapers and this and that”. (Diapers were the only actual expenses you came up with.)
Diapers? $700? A MONTH??? Really?
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