January 30, 2018

The Time Will Come

The time will come when God will lead you to face your foe. Will you be ready? They are self righteous, critical, and out for blood, the naysayers that Jesus warned about who hated...
So, what have you written? I currently have a blog site where I publish inspirational writings for my readers.  Some are in the form of poetry while most are thoughtful life lessons anyone...
Can you tell us more about your book, Healthy Body for Life – A Guide for Women Over Forty? What is it about? ANSWER: Healthy Body for Life is a comprehensive guide to...
January 26, 2018

Christ in Sports

Christ in sports is dedicated to Christian athletes who give their all in sports and life. The right way (NO STEROIDS). Jesus is the way and we give Him all the glory, praise...
For one teenage girl, who watched the march on TV with her mother and felt comfortable enough to tell her about a babysitter who had fondled her “creepily” when she was 9, #MeToo...