David Ludden Ph.D.Talking Apes Are You an Intuitive or Analytical Thinker? The answer is not what you think. Here’s a simple test of reasoning ability: “A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in...
As a daughter whose father passed away when young, then having my step-father pass away in 2013, this book was a must share. Dealing with the passing of one's parent can be a...
David Ludden Ph.D.Talking Apes Care and Feeding of your Narcissist It’s more than just excessive self-esteem Since the 1970s, “self-esteem” has been a buzzword among parents, teachers, and psychologists alike. Parents are told that...
The Need for Voice An Interview with Vera Muller-Paisner on Treating Horse and Human Trauma In the course of the development of civilization man acquired a dominating position over his fellow-creatures in the...
You know that I love to share thing new and interesting products and services that are on the internet -- well, I have another one for you guys. You said that you wanted...
"Even after reading the book and confirming the sordid details about my destructive habit, I’m still not ready to go vegetarian – I just really love to eat meat." (Caroline Morley, Meathooked: How eating meat became...