Looking for a review service for your new book? Liberty Journal is accepting new book. Submit Materials for Review BOOKS | EBOOKS | GRAPHIC NOVELS | AUDIO | VIDEO |  E-REVIEWS |COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT...
Gathering Courage A Life-Changing Journey Through Adoption, Adversity,  and a Reading Disability T A Terry McMullin Why do some people find success despite hardships and others sink into a pit of despair?   ...
Have you seen the new Christian Baby Bounce video?  Now, I don't have any babies anymore (nor do I plan on having anymore, Lord willing) but I can appreciate a good baby product...
Let's face it -- you can never slack when it comes to taking great care of yourself.  Anything you can do to make better lifestyle choices is always a plus.  That's where NatuReal...
"Are you DONE with just any Christian church but still hope in Jesus? Does the Bible bewilder you but you still search for the simple and sensible explanations? Jehovah has revealed His secrets." Do...
J. Richard Gentry Ph.D.Raising Readers, Writers, and Spellers 5 Brain-Based Reasons to Teach Handwriting in School Cognitive psychology and neuroscience support teaching handwriting in school. Teaching handwriting in elementary school is getting huge...
September 30, 2016

Katherine Nelson-Coffey, Ph.D.Living Life Well Treat Yourself: Does It Really Make You Happy? New research explores its psychological effects. Treat yourself. The premise for a funny episode of Parks and Recreation now seems to have taken...
New Gospel Music Worship Song "God Will Do What He Promised/ Promise Keeper"  I pray this Christian song encourages you to keep your faith that God will do what He Promised You. Anytime...
Do you know how to date appropriately? Do you know how to treat others in a way to promote attraction? Do you know how to prepare for a successful marriage? Do you know...
There is nothing like the power of prayer. Many people have doubted its ability to heal, comfort, and change the direction of an outcome. Many more know and understand this wonderful gift given...
Victor LipmanMind of the Manager When "Helicopter Parents" Land at Their Kids' Jobs "Mind if I Skype in to my son's interview?" “Helicopter parents” are increasingly landing in their kids’ job scene. Long known...
Can Thumb Sucking Be Addictive? A brief look at the research into those who constantly suck their thumb. Mark D. Griffiths Ph.D.In Excess “When I got to pre-school, I discovered that thumb sucking was...