Replacing Your Negative Thoughts

Replace Your Negative Thoughts with Transforming Thoughts of Joy, Passion and Purpose

The Faith in Focus audio CD works to effectively transform beliefs that “sabotage” you into beliefs that “support” you—quickly and easily. This powerful audio program uses simple, faith-inspiring words adapted directly from the Holy Scriptures that change your actual thought processes and reinforce your beliefs about how God sees you and who you really are —a precious and valued member of God’s family.

The subconscious mind is our storehouse of all past experiences, values, attitudes, and beliefs. Old, painful emotions get stored as programs in your subconscious mind, where they hamper your responses to life. Now imagine being able to tap into that same program, dropping in one positive thought after another—that’s the power of Faith in Focus.

If you want to live your life as God wants you to live it—with joy, passion, and purpose—- then this audio program can be an important catalyst for that transformation. Ultimately, the happiness we experience in our life depends on the quality of our thoughts; therefore, we must guard them accordingly.

The Faith in Focus audio CD is available at:

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